Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shoppers trample man to death on Black Friday

Well this grabbed my attention this past holiday weekend to see a walmart employee get trampled by eager shoppers at 5am trying to save a buck on their holiday shopping. This Walmart in Long Island is located about 30 mins from my house which made me especially interested in the case. Shoppers allegedly broke down the WalMart doors killing a 34 year old employee and injurying 4 others including a pregnant woman.

Perhaps the most obscene aspect of this tragedy is that, when the store was forced to close for several hours – because of the death – customers “shouted angrily” and “kept on shopping”.

Another incident of the American Dream, the disregard of a human life, in order to perhaps save $100 on a television. Where does a society lose such control to trample a person to death and not just one person step on his body as he lay on the ground but rather hundreds. What is sooooo… ironic as the American self portrayal of “the land of freedom and opportunity”, whist in their attempts of achieving the American Dream, they have considerably contributed to the Global economic crisis, by being allowed to purchase homes, cars and vacations that are well beyond their economic capabilities.

Then in order to get a good buy.. feel it is morally consciousable to trample a man to death… Wow… in order to quote Walt Disney ” the land of a million dreams”? thanks but no thanks.

SARA PALIN-post from begining

Sorry guys im just posting this one so i get credit- I mistakenly created a blog when I first tried to post it.

I wanted to comment on Sara Palin's interview by Charles Gibson on 20/20 on September 13. I can't take this polotician serious due to multiple comments she made during this interview. When asked about the Bush Doctorine she hesitated and Palin replied "In what respect, Charlie? " In my opinion its sick how Palin was picked out of Alaska because she is a female and had the best chance to take ex Hilary supporters. If Obama chose Hilary we would never have learned her name. Her views on Ear Marks don't correlate with the way she voted for the "bridge to no where." She is a HAACK.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" - Tucker Max

Okay So I am reading a book right now about a guy named Tucker Max. Speaking of ethics, this guy has absolutely none. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone because it is a good laugh AND teaches you how NOT to be a good human being. Here is a lovely story...

Go to and read some of these stories... I don't even know what else to say about it lol

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Baby Cock Fight

i just watched a video clip of two 2-3 year olds routed on by their father and little sister to fight. I was pretty much a baby cock fight. This discused me and hope the father that provoked this fighting between two children that don't know anybetter is punished to the fullest extent. What type of father puts his two kids to fight and on top of that puts it on youtube. How morally wrong can a person be.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coming to an End

The semester is winding down. The election is 2 weeks in the past. A one week respite is on the horizon:) Aahh(!!) No TV, no newspaper, a little R&R, family to meet:), and a Morals and Ethics paper to complete:(
Enjoy the week. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The arguement topic.

So today I got asked what a Vegan was. Well I figured more people knew what it was or what it required. Unfortunately, people who DO know what it is only want to argue with you about why you are wrong. The majority of people respect your opinion about religion, politics, and abortion but NOT Veganism. I have had people go as far as telling me "Jesus ate meat so you should too." or "You are going to die." My other favorite is "It is the life cycle and you are supposed to eat meat." Even better, many people after you explain to them the lifestyle say "I am going to go out and kill a whole cow and eat it." But my number one FAVORITE vegan comment is "You need vitamin B12! and you cannot get it anywhere but from animals." My question is, do people think I am attacking them by not eating it myself? Are these just ways of them justifying their actions to themselves? I have never ever told anyone "quit eating animal products," so why do they feel they need to down my lifestyle? Or like customers at my bar who have had 3 beers and a whole pack of cigarettes and feel as though I need nutritional advice from them. I wish I didn't work at a corporate restaurant and I could just tell them "Really? because the 10 chicken wings you just ate have 1765 calories." Oh, and add in 250 for the shit you dipped them in too. Another good one - Your veggies grow from cow shit."
Now - it is not that I completely disagree that you can eat animals, but have you ever looked at pictures of a slaughterhouse? If you haven't, then believe me it is in your best interest not to. People get grossed out by in the movie "waiting" when he puts pubic hair on the plate... like I said if you knew where your meat came from you probably wouldn't want it anymore. Now, aside from coming from possibly the grossest place known to man... there are over 500 chemicals in your meat products :) Quite a few of these are also cancer causing (yay!)
Another classic is, "You need milk or your bones will become brittle"
Well then, why no dairy? A mother cannot drink alcohol while she is breast feeding, so do people think "pasturizing" will kill ALL of these chemicals for you? Humans are the only species that drink the milk of another, and since we are not cows we can only absorb 25% of that calcium anyway.
The good ole' vitamin b12 - that "only comes from animals." b12 is a bacteria!!!!! not some kind of complicated only animal forming DNA. My fake meats have more b12 than the majority of your animal products. People look at me like im a freakin leper when I say this and usually only respond with "no it doesn't, if it does then its not vegan because it comes from an animal." (ugh)

So in being asked what a vegan was, I said "I don't eat anything that comes from an animal." People STILL don't get it after that... most times I get a "So do you eat eggs?" or "Not even chicken?"... last time I checked a chicken was an animal... just throwing that out there.

Most people tell me "I don't know why you torture yourself" Well, I haven't even had as much as a stuffy nose since I began eating this way (which by the way is a little more than a year). When you eat the chemical crap they put into your food, your body's immune system is weakened because it is constantly fighting off these things, therefore cannot REALLY defend against viruses and such. My whole body feels good on a regular basis, so how am I REALLY torturing myself? Recently, I was in a situation where everyone at work got this awful virus, except me. I was the ONLY person who didn't get sick.

Now, everyone has their questions and arguements ( def. arguements) so feel free to ask if you wish.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I would just like to add to the last blog I wrote about the election. I just hope Obama was picked for the right reasons. Although it is an historic event that an African American was elected president, I just hope that was not the reason a lot of people voted for him. There a lot more important reasons to elect someone to run our nation besides their skin color...


I agree with Art when he said I'm glad the election was over. I wasn't sure how to react to the results though. I guess we wont find out until Obama is finally in office and we see these changes actually happen. I have to admit I did not vote myself. On top of the fact I wasn't registered in this state, I was on the fence about this decision and I wasn't really sure what would be the best choice. There is nothing I can do about it now, so I am just looking forward to see how Obama plans on improving our nation. I am going to stay optimistic about our nations decision and hope that only good comes out of it. There are a lot of scary things (war, economy) being handed over to someone else to deal with. I just hope the people in charge as of January will do the right thing.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well, I am glad that it is finally all over. Now we get to see what is going to happen. The promises are now over and now we get to see what Obama will do. As a supporter, I am very hopeful that this change will be real, and that our country will take a new course. The best thing about this election is that we finally know that Bush is on his way out. I hope that Obama will live up to his promises, and lead this country into a new era.

So today I finally got it.

When I heard about Obama even running for president I thought all the same "this will be historic" and all but I never understood what the big deal was until today. You see my father is exactly 40 years older than me, so he was actually my age when the Jim Crow laws were ruled unconstitutional. So really, in just one generation the African American race has gone from fighting for civil liberties to president. PRESIDENT in just one generation. I am really excited now to see how much people can change their thinking if you just give 'em a year or 40. Now, me coming from the generation where race really isn't an issue could not comprehend what kind of win this must be. I saw Jessie f'ing Jackson crying yesterday. It is very strange and I can't really comprehend the mindset of thinking that people are different but DIFFERENT - colored, black, or whatever. I am actually thankful that I did grow up in the generation where the mindset was much more open and accepting, and for the first time I think I am glad that I didn't understand something.

Now, I did not really care for either candidate until yesterday. When Obama won his attitude, demeanor, and the really f'ing scared look on his face just impressed me. He still didn't win me over until he said he was going to get his daughters a puppy to come live in the white house with them. Obama actually won me over not with his issues on the economy, healthcare, or anything else except the puppy. Knowing that he wasn't going to give me an ivy league bullshit answer about anything at that point in time, he just wanted to announce that his baby girls were getting their first puppy since he won. Knowing that he didn't get up there and make unrealistic promises to the country, himself or his family made me feel a little more sound on what he can accomplish for our country.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

election day blues (!!)

Ask any of your grandparents if they recall the "West Side Story" movie. Lyrics from the song: "Tonight"
Tony singing:

Tonight, tonight,
Won't be just any night,
Tonight there will be no morning star.
Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight.
And for us, stars will stop where they are.
The minutes seem like hours,
The hours go so slowly,
And still the sky is light
Oh mooon, grow bright,
And make this endless day endless night!

Abortions - yes or no?

Sarah Palin believes that if a father rapes his 15 year old daughter, she should keep the baby...

Too bad George died, I was thinking about writing him in lol. Yes George, Palin is anti woman.

Monday, November 3, 2008

"Black has nothing to do with the Arabs are trying to sneek this guy into our country!"

In times like this, people who spend way too much time on the internet run across videos that make them giggle. Everyone has the right to vote, but maybe they should give breathalysers in the booths too. I am glad to see this woman voted for Hillary... I think?

* P.S. I will give anyone who can tell me the exact number of teeth in the driver's head $5.