Tuesday, September 9, 2008

8 Weeks until Election Day.

Ethics, morality, fairness, equality are all issues in the ongoing presidential campaign. The Democratic Party has turned this into a Obama vs Palin match. The truth is the election is an Obama vs McCain toss up(sic), no pun intended. It appears that all sense of fairness, equality, morality, and ethics has been left in the drawer, and the political medica continues to churn out it's spin-speak. Which view should we apply, before voting? The Utilitarian View; The Libertarian Approach; Nozick's Theory of Justice; or, Rawls's Theory of Justice( The Veil of Ignorance) which is applicable to most voters.

1 comment:

dwittkower said...


Regarding which view we should apply: The tax plans put forth fall pretty neatly into Libertarian and Egalitarian molds. While neither is what Nozick or Rawls would want ultimately, they are clearly moving in one of these two directions.

As Perot said,
Look at the chart:

What do you think about the plans?