Sunday, October 26, 2008


As art said in his recent post. What is the deal with the election, he is right how as the day comes closer the issues are on a nack burner compared to the issues of what the other one eats for dinner, thier past, the things that mean absolutely nothing to an election. I seen on the news the other day about Sen. McCain's brother who called 911 for a traffic report, haha. Yea and he made an absolute ass of himself and endangered people who needed help, but thats not the debate or the news that we should be haring about. It is a election based on who will do the most with the economy and the country, who will give us the most opportunities for growth. That is why we see politicans as the dirtiest and untruthful people in the world.

Gas prices in steepest drop ever

Gas prices are at the lowest price in quite a while. What is the deal with this, is it that the demand for gas is low and the prices have dropped. It is a long time coming with this drop in gas as we have seen gas go up to almost $4 in recent weeks and has killed the economy of this country. Coming from someone who lives in NY where gas is always expensive for the last year or 2 you so it becomes something your used to, but is that right for people to become used to $4 a gallon and strapped for cash while OPEC and these oil companies making millions of dollars. From what is hear say these companies are going to cut supply and will lead to higher gas prices again. This is what is wrong with this country, they are dealing with issues of this that are bleeding this economy dry and that is why this election is the biggest election in a long time.

Friday, October 24, 2008


As the outcome of the election becomes clearer the candidates have to bottom to their cheap shots at the other side. Over the last month there has been no significant meaningful debate out the issues. The economy is failing and the government is spending too much but the only thing the candidates are actually talking about is each other. Who cares who they were in contact with 30 years ago. This is a pathetic excuse for a campaign and  I am fed up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today, the boss guy brought up the spying for security issue. I know, I know, it is for the good of the country(sic). My brain had turned to stone. Things are no longer absorbed, they bounce off it and rattle around inside my head. Politicians, no matter which party, are not to be trusted. Do not, ever, leave a daughter or son(Barney Frank) alone with a politician. The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills passed and signed into law, in 1798, by President John Adams. The bills were passed, due to partisan hysteria and hostility to foreigners, namely the Irish and French. The Sedition Act forbade writing, publishing, or speaking anything of a false, scandalous and malicious nature against the government. For those of us with limited capacity, the bouncing off the brain thing, now that they have the right to listen to your private conversations, now that your employer has taken liberty to invade your privacy, what will be next. Will there be a renewal of the Sedition Act? Will there be monitoring devices added to public and private phones and computers? Will we fined if we voice displeasure at the way government is running? Remember, they can hear you, where ever you are. Your work phone, your work computer all have monitoring devices/programs installed. That security badge your employer gives you to protect you at work, monitors your activities and movements throughout the work day, and any other day you are at the office. Your employer does monitor all e-mail and usage of the company computer, when it is logged on. The company vehicles can and probably have an ON-STAR capacity to monitor the vehicles whereabouts and speed. I know, I am a good person/worker so; " what do I care, let them monitor me". Sad to say, all good people are guilty of that remark, at one time or another, BUT NOT GUILTY OF ANYTHING ELSE. The very thought that anyone would be willing to give up any of their rights and freedoms scares me, more than anything else. A lot of very good people fought and died protecting those rights and freedoms, so we can continue to have this discussion and talk about the inept politicians. Support the Social Security amendment for free golf for seniors:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

election year taxes, more taxes

As some of you venture out into the world(SIC), be aware that you will have to pay income taxes. Currently, the Federal Tax bite for single, earning $50,000 is $6,613. Then there is the State tax nibble, depending on which state in which you reside, could be anywhere up to $1,200. Lucky enough to go the New York City, you pay city tax along with the Federal and State. Then, don't discount the area sales tax on beer, restaurant, clothing, home products, taxable items at the grocery store, cars(don't forget to check to see just how much tax is on the vehicle purchase), then to add insult to injury, there is sales taxes on each gallon of gas sold. In New York I believe the total tax, federal, state, and local, is 63 cents per gallon(depending on county). Then there are those wonderful deductions of Social Security, Medicare. Top off the drain with additional tax, fees/licensing/registration/other licensing, road tolls(up north) coming to I95 closest to you and your $50,000 salary qualifies you for public housing(!!) Marry a rich women/man that has no dependents and wants to leave most of his money to you, so the gov can get the inheritance/death tax. Win the lotto and the gov takes about 50%. No matter which party is in power, the pols are corrupt and cater only to the ones they legislate tax loop holes for, during their administrations. No tax loop hole for youse guys. Graduate and get to work. I need youse guys to pay my Social Security. The government free mandated golf for seniors is a good program, so support it. It will "create" jobs for Coastal Grads from the PGM School. Good Luck:) If any of you have any cash left, pay those pesky student loans.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hatered from McCain Supporters

Several months ago when Obama told voters that people were going to make us scared of him being that he was like most presidents on the dollar bill and his skin happened to be a diffrent color, led many conservative republicans to blame Obama for playing the race card. I find this funny know that there have been several incidents at McCain Palin rallys that memebrs of the audience yell hateful remarks against Obama. People gather shouting out comments about Barack Obama like, "Kill him! Terrorist! Treason!"
In this town hall meeting ---
McCain passed his wireless microphone to one woman who said, "I can't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's not, he's not uh — he's an Arab. He's not — " before McCain retook the microphone and replied: "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not [an Arab]."
I am glad McCain is not supporting false aqusations and is sticking up for the right principles.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


According to Webster: Philosophy is a pursuit of wisdom and a search for general understanding of values and reality. Wisdom, Values, and Reality all sadly missing from this election cycle. I guess I must be glad I am in the final act of life. Just give me my Social Security and a government golf course. My $25 a month and standing in line for my bread, chicken, and health care(like Cuba, Russia, China, Canada, United Kingdom, and France), will probably keep me of the golf course, so no need for government sponsored golf:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

State of the Old Guy

The hair plug thing and the butt joke, was that a slap at us seniors(SIC). We vote and some of us come from the sixties and seventies(!!). Having voted for Jimmy Carter, is reason enough not to trust us, but consider the fashion statements of my generation: bra-less and mini skirts. We had a lot of seniors smiling, not complaining.

The Presidential Election & World Series

It is torture listening to the the campaign speeches of the candidates for president. I had to turn to the comedy channel, during the last debate. No baseball on TV. Thank you baseball for the up coming NLCS & ALCS, followed by the World Series. The games will be a welcome relief from the tiresome, embarrasing process. I am a person who had been active in the Democratic Party, campaigned for many Democratic Candidates, worked polls, and yes drove people to and from the voting sites(sic). This election cycle will set a tone for the US, HOPEFULLY NOT LIKE THE JIMMY CARTER(idiot savant)ERA. The next president and congress will have a lot to say about the future of your lives. I am in the last act of my play, and my only concern at this juncture, is will I have enough cash to improve my golf game. Talk about politicians tuning out a country: this political season is playing like an unwatched episode of the Soprano's.

Hairplugs are the new boob jobs.

Now Art, I think that you are just a little upset because McCain's "healthcare plan" (what a joke) Doesn't include things like hair plugs haha. Maybe he should promise a plan to keep those damn kids from driving so fast down the street. Or maybe one of those devices that will keep you from passing out in a chair with the TV turned up REALLY loud. MAYBE just MAYBE his healthcare plan will include a belt for all of those dang wipper snappers who wear their pants around their knees.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd Debate

This debate was ridiculous. I wish that they would stop going after each other and actually answer a question. Even with a different forum they still just fight with each other rather than actually figure out how to get us out of this economic mess. I am fed up with the whole thing and just want things to get better, but it does not look like that will happen in the next 4 years. 

Hey person right under Sarah Palin post...

Hey log in with your regular e-mail address, unless you want ME to get credit for your blog :)

I hate Sarah Palin.

I think is Nader ran this year, he would actually win. So in bits and pieces I was hearing on the news a few days ago about Obama being friends with some terrorist? But they haven't had contact in a while? I don't even want to vote this year because I don't want either candidate to win! You have a 72 year old guy who "can't write an email because he was injured in war"??? And a guy who has terriorist friends but they don't talk anymore? I don't get it. I should be thrilled that we may actually have a female vice president for the very first time... but I am not. Excuse my language but she's a stupid dramatic bitch. (Hey you clicked the warning lol) The context of this news piece I caught some of she sounded like a high school girl who didn't make the captain of the cheerleading squad. I WILL NOT vote for McCain solely because of her. So McCain is a billion years old and about to croke over and this crazy drama queen who can't even get her daughter to take birthcontrol wants to run the country? How pathetic is this when people don't have homes because they cannot afford them but WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT SHIT THAT HAPPENED IN THE 60s!

"People say that I speak too simply, or don't have quite the — I don't have my thesaurus in my back pocket all along through my speeches," she told donors in Englewood, Col. "Well, I don't have time for that."

Hmm... Well since you won't answer questions publicly from donors to your campaign, you most likely write your speeches... Maybe you should invest in one? YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO IMPRESS BLUE COLLAR WORKERS! Now come on people you are donation lots of money here... don't ask "unfair questions"

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bailout plan

I wanted to comment on the bailout plan issue we were discussing in class last week. I'm not sure what would have been the best choice and I honestly don't think anyone else really does either. I personally don't like the idea of bailing out businesses who made bad decisions in the past. Sounds like the government is sending a message saying its okay to take risks and mess up because they'll be there to bail you out. I was actually discussing this topic in one of my other classes and heard arguments stating that if this plan was implemented it would ruin the future of the economy and the business world. It seems like we will be rewarding the bad and punishing the good.

Friday, October 3, 2008

VP debate

Interesting! No winner, no loser among participants. Biden did not speak plainly, or tell the truth, on his accounts of prior votes. Mrs. Palin, did not trip or fall down.