Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hate Sarah Palin.

I think is Nader ran this year, he would actually win. So in bits and pieces I was hearing on the news a few days ago about Obama being friends with some terrorist? But they haven't had contact in a while? I don't even want to vote this year because I don't want either candidate to win! You have a 72 year old guy who "can't write an email because he was injured in war"??? And a guy who has terriorist friends but they don't talk anymore? I don't get it. I should be thrilled that we may actually have a female vice president for the very first time... but I am not. Excuse my language but she's a stupid dramatic bitch. (Hey you clicked the warning lol) The context of this news piece I caught some of she sounded like a high school girl who didn't make the captain of the cheerleading squad. I WILL NOT vote for McCain solely because of her. So McCain is a billion years old and about to croke over and this crazy drama queen who can't even get her daughter to take birthcontrol wants to run the country? How pathetic is this when people don't have homes because they cannot afford them but WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT SHIT THAT HAPPENED IN THE 60s!

"People say that I speak too simply, or don't have quite the — I don't have my thesaurus in my back pocket all along through my speeches," she told donors in Englewood, Col. "Well, I don't have time for that."

Hmm... Well since you won't answer questions publicly from donors to your campaign, you most likely write your speeches... Maybe you should invest in one? YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO IMPRESS BLUE COLLAR WORKERS! Now come on people you are donation lots of money here... don't ask "unfair questions"


nr davis said...

Ralph Nader *is* running. As usual, the media aren't paying attention, which is why a lot of people may not know, but yes, he is running as an Independent candidate, and there are other third-party choices as well.

nr davis said...

Also, I suggest you read news stories more closely. Palin says Obama is pals with a terrorist, but there is MUCH more to the story if you want truth. You are being unfair. Also, check out who McCain and Palin's friends are.

Businessethics5 said...

What who the... WHO ARE YOU??? YOU'RE NOT IN OUR CLASS! Oh well I guess it doesn't matter, so what IS the rest of the story? Pretty much what I got from it is the guy Ayers kids go to school with Obama and he held some kind of campaign party at Ayers house? Anyway well then explain to me what IS going on because apparently I have no idea like I said I didn't catch the whole thing. Hey I am not bashing Obama really, but I don't feel he could do the best job for our country that is in a complete shit hole right now. If we were in a period of time where I wasn't concerned if I will even be able to get a student loan next year, then I WOULD vote for Obama. He's not a bad guy but I don't feel as he has presented himself strong enough to fix what needs fixing. But hey, after the ancient man said he would give every American a $5,000 tax credit or refund (didnt hear him all the way) but didn't want to include things like "hair plugs" people under the age of 65 probably thought Obama ain't so bad.

*P.S. I am on my period, I don't have to be fair :)

nr davis said...

Regarding your PS, I quite understand. :)

As for the rest of the story, Ayers and Obama served on a Republican-run and -financed board. If that makes Obama questionable, then it makes a lot of Chicagoans (many of them GOPpers) questionable. And what about McCain's palling around (quite literally -- these are his *friends*) with G. Gordon Liddy (convicted felon and now radio star who advocates shooting FBI agents in the face) and Charles Keating (Lincoln S&L savings scandal; McCain did everything he could to protect Keating from paying for his crimes and for the 1980s banking crisis). It's a shame the only people with the balls to address McShame directly regarding these questions are talk-show hosts. And Palin pals around with a violent anti-American group called the Alaskan Independence Party. Her husband was a member of that group for seven years and she has spoken at their meetings and, according to AIP leaders, she entertained members in her home. Of course, no one can question Palin about them because the campaign is keeping her away from the press (because she is such an embarrassment). She is on the stump merely to incite the latent racism and a-hole-ness of her supporters, which does the US public no good at all.

If you choose to condemn Obama for a brief and purely professional/charitable association with Ayers, you have to condemn McCain and Palin for their friendships with very bad people who have hurt this nation.

I blame the MSM. As to who I am, I am nobody, merely a working journalist and activist who believes in getting out the truth.

Brian said...

I agree. Sarah Palin is a shame to our country. If McCain dies she is in charge and that will not help anything at all. I will vote for Nader too.