Thursday, September 4, 2008

Addition to Art's Blog (scroggins)

^ Here is the link to the article.
I believe the only reason the daughter is getting married to this young man is due to the election. Is it right for the family to make their daughter to feel obligated to marry the young man so they don't look like trash? There were pretty much only two choices the family could make in their situation; have an abortion (ha ha yeah right they are republicans) and try their best to conceal it or make the daughter get married. Now, it appears to me that they attempted to take the lesser of the two risks on the campaign. Is it "ethical" for the family to have a "shotgun wedding" to prevent a total loss for the republican party? They are two 17 year old children who in fact probably don't REALLY love each other to begin with, but are forced to be legally bound to make their family look "politically correct." I suppose if the teenage couple can at least hold out til after November it will make voters a little more content with the situation. But imagine what voters would think if the mother chose another route? It would be too damming for the campaign for Palin to even risk.


MMcKee said...

I completely agree, what it is in the Palin stories is what politicans have been doing for year. Protecting their image so that they look like the perfect person andd perfect family, I for one like the fact that a political family in Washington finally looks human and not perfect. I mean like every family in the world who had their problems. However if this could be avoided by Palin and her staff it would have, and what they are saying about the 2 17 year olds getting married after making a mistake. Some would say this is the right thing to do however what kind of message does this send young people? alot to think of over just a small topic.

dwittkower said...

Frances; Matt; Art:

You've all made interesting points about this situation -- and it is a very interesting (and unforeseeable) situation.

What's strangest about this to me is the disconnection of the situation and the politics involved. It's not a perfect family, but the imperfections in the family seem to have little bearing on the policies being put forth by the candidate. It's similar to the way that working-class Republicans will often espouse views that primarily support the economic elite -- the way that they identify with other Americans (religion, "family values" [sorry for the scare-quotes; I can explain them later], etc.) just aren't what seem to me to be politically relevant.

Sorry if that didn't quite make sense. It's a complex issue, and I don't want to bore you with a big long lecturey post. (This is a space designed for chat, after all)

Anyway, I ran across a really interesting take on the situation recently. It's clearly partisan, so please don't take offense -- I think you'll find the point thought-provoking, and that's why I bring it up.

September 13, 2008, 2:01 pm
By Tim Wise
For those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.
White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because “every family has challenges,” even as black and Latino families with similar “challenges” are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.[/quote]

Check it out. What do you think about this?

Businessethics5 said...

HA! Yes, I like how republicans are not fond of the idea of the welfare system BUT it's okay to have children when you are 17 if you are Sarah Palin's daughter, because YOU MOM can afford it. If republicans are generally against abortion then how can they not agree with the welfare system? My question is if abortion is murder in their eyes, what ARE these people supposed to do?