Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Auto Bailout

so the largest auto makers in the country are asking us to bail them out so they won't go bankrupt. Their will be a tremendous cut in jobs extending to every supplier that contrinutes to the cars beeing built in america. And their case is that people dont want to buy their cars, but im sorry it sounds like they dont need to stay in business. It very ironic that the american compnaioes had hybrid technology years ago but never develpoed it, the Japanese found out we were studying hybrid technology and became scared so they dove head first into it. Know look at the place were in.

I truely think the middle eastern oil companies should bail out the auto makers since they are so loyal to each other. They wouldnt be in this mees if they produced cars people actually wanted to buy.

Someone who has worked at GM for 10 years or more receives $140,000.00 severance. And I'm supposed to feel sorry for them? Yet they want more. The seem to never be satisfied.

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